Garden for Good

What was my Role?

UX Designer

UX Researcher

The Problem

Home gardeners need a resource to help them maximize their crop and find places to donate their excess harvest

The Goal

Create a tool to help home gardeners research and plan their gardens that also has resources of where to donate extra produce from their gardens

Who is This For?

This tool is for any gardener who wants to find a place to donate extra food


The main challenge for this design was making sure the designs and all the information looked good on desktop, tablet, and mobile screens.

User research Insights

  1. People expressed frustration that their homegrown produce was going to waste because they didn’t know what to do with it.

  2. Some people wanted to start a garden to help their community but didn’t know where to start.

Initial Design and Ideation

This is an example of the crazy 8’s exercise I did to get a lot of ideas for my product quickly.


This is an example of the home screen for both my app, and two screen sizes for the responsive website

Desktop Webpage

Mobile Webpage

Mobile App



Mobile Webpage

Mobile App

User Testing Insights

  1. There is no way to input your location to get the personalized features

  2. Needs an “About Us” page so users know the intention of the non-profit.

  3. Users would like to be able to choose which square to place their plant in the garden planning feature.


Desktop Website

Mobile Website

Mobile App


About Us page that was added after user testing

After user testing, I added a + on every square so users can choose which square to plan

What’s Next?

  1. Continue user testing to make sure the tool continues to meet user’s needs

  2. Iterate further on garden planning section of the app.

  3. Keep local information, like charities up to date


The actual needs of the users were much different than what I expected. The end product was very different than what I originally had in mind.


Imagination Dance Studio Responsive Website