What was my Role?

UX Researcher

UX Designer

The Problem

Imagination Dance Studio lacks an online presence so caregivers are frustrated that they have to go into the physical building to do things like registration, make payments and get studio information

The Goal

Create a responsive website so caregivers can access to registration, make payments, and access studio information from home or on the go.

Who’s it For?

This website is made for caregivers who’s students attend Imagination Dance Studio so they can do dance business outside of the studio.


  1. Adapting the designs to work on both desktop and mobile phone

  2. I struggled with colors on this project. All my color schemes looked cheap or unprofessional. In the end, I went with a simple white background with accompanying colors

Study Insights

  1. Users don’t have time to go into the studio to do things like class registration, make payments, and get studio information

  2. Going into the studio lacks accessibility since it can be extremely difficult for those with disabilities to go into the studio to do get things done.

Initial Design Concepts/Ideation


User Testing Insights

  1. Users wanted a Log out button to keep their banking information more secure

  2. Users wanted an indication of where they are in the user flow.


What did I Learn?

Start your ideation with multiple screen sizes in mind. Adapting to screen sizes can be challenging but the result is worth the extra effort.

What’s Next?

  1. Add in the Account Settings page so users can change and update their information as needed.

  2. Conduct more user surveys to make sure the website is still meeting users needs

  3. Iterate on my survey findings


Imagination Dance Studio Mobile App


Garden for Good Mobile App with Responsive Website